Category Archives: Colombia

Medellin – City of Hope. Innovation. Inspiration.

I feel very privileged to have visited Medellin at this time. It is a remarkable city where the spirit of innovation and change is nearly palpable.

The hospitality of the people was immediately apparent on arrival here. We arrived at the airport and took a collectivo into town. The driver recognizing we weren’t 100% sure where we going let us know he would let us know when to get off. This is a kind gesture but what really took it over the top was when we arrived at the stop the driver removed our bags for us, hailed us a cab, informed the can driver of where to take us and said “Buena suerte y felices viajes” It is this type of kindness that we have experienced over and over again in Colombia but especially in Medellin.

Continue reading Medellin – City of Hope. Innovation. Inspiration.